Working With Attorneys

We originally created the Atlanta Marriage and Mediation Clinic to help attorneys and their clients seeking referrals for marriage therapy and/or mediation.

Our top priority is to make the attorney’s job easier by offering a “one stop shop” for most types of collaborative and supplemental family law services, through which we are confident attorneys will find high-quality services to work with the unique needs of their case. We strive to ensure domestic cases run as smoothly as possible so that all parties involved may find the best possible resolution.

We are experienced and caring providers who will make your clients feel comfortable while helping them explore all of their options, make informed decisions, or advocate for their children.

In addition to marriage therapy and mediation, our services also include child custody evaluations, co-parenting coordination, and family consulting. We also work with professional organizations including the Amicable Divorce Network.

We are happy to have attorneys join their clients for mediation sessions at our site.